Our licensing board in Oregon will be considering adopting EdTPA as a means to assess teacher candidates statewide. We already have a long standing and uniform performance measure in our work sample methodology here in Oregon so the resistance is high.

This is a link to NAME's (the National Association for Multicultural Education) opposition paper on this. It is very well done. We have a serious issue with diversifying our teacher force here in Oregon and NAME's issues seem highly credible and real to us.


 I need to know what your state is experiencing (bad and good) with EdTPA and what your thoughts are about it so I can weigh it with what our state issues are as well.

Many thanks for your help!


3 Replies

Attachment.NAME-response 02-03-14 (3).pdf


Attached is NEA's response to NAMEs postion statement on edTPA. In response to your inquiry about edTPA thoughts, I will prepare a list of issues for the affililate to consider and post by COB tomorrow. You may also want to reach out directly to Jim Meadows (WA) and Garnet Franklink (MN) because their states have operational policy in place. --Richelle

Thanks Richelle for the NEA reply. It seems rather curt to me and does not specifically address some of the well framed equity issues in the NAME letter. I will absolutely talk with Jim.....good suggestion! If I have time this week, I would also like to touch base with you.

Teresa -- Attached is a beginning list of edTPA questions for affiliates to consider when participating in conversations about pre-service performance assessment adoption and implementation. This is a living document so please share any issues that you encounter that this document does not address. -- Richelle  

 FYI... Below is a cut and paste of the document that I put in the file cabinet.... Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to post the word file in the message.


The NEA believes that all teachers should be "profession-ready" from their first day of being responsible for student learning. This means that, before becoming a teacher-of-record, teacher candidates must demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed for effective classroom practice. While teachers continue to learn and grow after entering the profession, no candidate should ever be called a "teacher" without demonstrating the ability to improve student learning. Candidates who are placed in classrooms and expected to learn how to teach on the job are not profession-ready.  (Profession Ready Teachers Policy Brief, http://www.nea.org/home/profession-ready-teachers.html)


edTPA and Affiliates: Questions to Consider

Questions for Affiliates

  • How does the pre-service performance assessment bridge to the evaluation system that our state uses with practicing teachers?

  • How will the edTPA be used in our state (program approval, program completion, licensure or all of the above)?

  • Will candidates in all state-approved preparation programs be required to take the edTPA?

  • Will candidates in alternative route programs be required to take the edTPA prior to becoming the teacher of record?

  • How will the state accommodate candidates seeking multiple endorsements?

  • How will the state accommodate online/out-of-state programs operating in the state?

  • If our state adopts the edTPA, what existing pre-service assessments might be eliminated?

  • Does the video component conflict with existing state policy?

  • How will candidates obtain permission to video from parents?

  • Has anyone reviewed the school calendar to ensure that edTPAs submission deadlines do not conflict with major P-12 assessment periods?

  • Does the edTPA submission timeline include time for remediation prior to graduation?

  • Does the state implementation timeline include adequate time for IHEs, cooperating teachers, and candidates to participate in multi-year pilots before the assessment becomes consequential?

  • Will IHEs be required to partner with school districts to increase the understandings of P12 cooperating teachers and administrators about edTPA?

  • Is there a plan for campuses to develop shared materials to explain the process to candidates?

  • Who will provide the tools candidates need to videotape the classroom teaching experience?

  • How will states promote appropriate use (and prevent inappropriate use) of edTPA data?  For example, how should edTPA data be used to inform recruitment/hiring, induction, professional development/growth?  Which edTPA data should be shared and how will we help others make meaning of the data?


Questions for Cooperating Teachers

  • How does the edTPA differ from the current exams required to obtain state licensure?

  • How does the edTPA change expectations for cooperating teachers?

  • Are IHEs and/or state agencies providing edTPA training for cooperating teachers to support candidates completing edTPA?

  • Will cooperating teachers participate in local scoring?

  • What is the appropriate level of feedback for cooperating teachers to provide candidates?

  • In states where the edTPA has implications for licensure, is the cooperating teacher liable if a student is not successful on the edTPA?

  • If a candidate is unsuccessful on the edTPA, are they required to use the same classroom to complete their retake?

  • The edTPA has a video component, who will explain the edTPA to the parents?

  • How will the state accommodate veteran teachers seeking to add-on endorsements? Will they be required to successfully complete edTPA?


Questions for Student Members

  • How will the state address the assessment fee before it becomes consequential? Who will pay for candidates to complete edTPA during the pilot phase?

  • When will courses be revised to incorporate components of the edTPA across the prep program?

  • What systems will be put in place to ensure that candidates (regardless of campus) have similar opportunities to achieve success (e.g. If some but not all prep programs implement edTPA boot camps this may inadvertently advantage some completers)?

  • How will candidates receive feedback on their work before official submission?

  • What happens if a candidate does not successfully complete the edTPA?

  • Will the state provide scholarships for candidates who have difficulty paying for the assessment?



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