
Announcements for National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction (NSAII)
13 Topics  15 subscribers  
General Discussions about National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction (NSAII)
31 Topics  14 subscribers  
This forum contains discussions related to headlines and links.
0 Topics  2 subscribers  
Anyone have any guidance or tools to help local...or even state...ethnic minority affairs committees to begin a chapter and grow? I have asked for ...
2 Topics  0 subscribers  
Did any state delay the initial implementation plan for teacher evaluation? If so, what were the specific reasons for re-visiting the plan? Thank...
0 Topics  0 subscribers  
What measures of student growth is your state using for teacher evaluation to meet your ESEA waiver requirements? Are the measures weighted? W...
1 Topic  1 subscriber  
Teacher of Record, Linkage, Shared Attribution
1 Topic  0 subscribers  
How has your state intervened in high poverty districts which are failing? What state policies have been helpful? Missouri is about to bankrupt two...
1 Topic  2 subscribers  
Members of the NSAII NE Region, please feel free to communicate using this forum. In here, we can post questions, make plans for the conference, an...
0 Topics  1 subscriber  
The National Board Consortium is a sub-ground of professional development specialist from NEA’s state affiliates, the Teacher Quality department at...
0 Topics  1 subscriber  
Recently started in the role of IPD for Wisconsin. Any words of wisdom or advice as I transition to this new role would be appreciated. Especially ...
1 Topic  1 subscriber  
For those of you who attended the Roundtable discussion on supporting our members in Comprehensive Support Schools, here is a place to share resour...
3 Topics  1 subscriber  
Hello, Colleagues. I am seeking names of uplifting, informative and funny keynote speakers for our annual Summer Academy. If you have had great sp...
0 Topics  0 subscribers