what hasn't worked
Missouri has tried two interventions in high poverty districts, neither was successful. 1. dissolve the district and attach it to another high poverty district, now the receiving district is also failing. 2. dissolve the district and replace the elected school board with a state-appointed administrative board- in one district with this system student performance went down. In another district it took 5 to 7 years to show enough improvement to reach provisional accreditation.
Ann Jarrett, Teaching and Learning Director
Please note my extention number has changed.
Missouri NEA
1810 E. Elm St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
800-392-0236 ext. 625
Fax 573-634-5645
“You don’t have to wait for a place at the table. You
can take a place at the table or create your own table. I think of the Civil
Rights movement. They didn’t wait for a place at the table. They created their
own. The Arab Spring, their own table. The Occupy Movement, their own table.”
— Arne Duncan, U. S. Secretary of Education
Comments made to a group of National Board Certified Teachers,
on Dec. 9, 2011
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Did some internet research, found two older but decent reports:
Education Commission of the States 2002 report "State Interventions in Low-Performing Schools and School Districts" at http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/41/52/4152.pdf
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50-STATE REPORT ON ACCOUNTABILITY, STATE INTERVENTION AND TAKEOVER http://ielp.rutgers.edu/docs/developing_plan_app_b.pdf I can't find a date on it but looks to be 2002 or slightly earlier.